
Water is the foundation of life. It is still a mystery for science how non-living matter transformed into a living one. New properties of water have to be studied, though it seems like we know all about it already.

The question of how long information is stored by the water molecules is controversial in modern science. On the other hand, water has a number of unique properties that allow it to store and disseminate information as a result of the external physical or chemical factor of influence. In a physical sense the correct term is informationability” of water.

Origin of Life and Living Matter in Hot Mineral Water

New achievements in the studies of water structure allow to better analyze the conditions for the emergence of life. It is difficult to presume that life has originated in chaotic water (Ignatov, Mosin, 2010). Living organisms and water (Antonov, Galabova, 1992) are complex self-organizing systems. Schrödinger clearly defines that living organisms reduce their own entropy at the expense of increasing the entropy of the environment.


Structure of Water for Origin of Life and Living Matter

Living organisms and man are complex self-organizing systems. They are open, because they continually exchange substances and energy with the environment. The changes in the open systems are relatively stable in time. The stable correlation between the components in an open system is called a dissipative structure (Nikolis, Prigozhin, 1973). It has been proven experimentally that water is also a self-organizing system (Antonov, Galabova, 1992). The expectations are that changes in water as a result of an external influence will be relatively stable in time. This signifies that water remembers physical or chemical influences. The question about water memory is of exceptional interest. The first research studies, related to the memory of water, were effected by Deryagin and Churaev (1971). The durability of the results in time after an activation with an alternating magnetic field and upon electrolysis through a nuclear filter were performed by Minenko (1981) and Evseev (1982). Analyses have been carried out on the changes in the spectrum of natural waters (Antonov and co-authors, 1995).


Water in the Human Body is Information Bearer about Longevity

Mankind has always been excited about longevity. Biophysical studies indicate that the water in the human body has departed from the water at the time of origination of life (Prof. Semihina, Dr. Mosin, Dr. Ignatov). The more rapid the life processes are, the faster the states of orderliness are observed, i.e. entropy in the living organism decreases. Yet this leads to difficulties in compensating entropy with the entropy of the environment, which is associated with metabolism and energy. Such organisms, like mammals, can live up to 100 years. In trees the processes are slower, the states of orderliness are harder to obtain, and entropy decreases more slowly than in animals. There are trees that live for more than 1000 years. For example, a turtle’s life processes are slower than those of mammals and faster than those of trees. It can live up to 300 years. We can define a specific time for each living creature, and their time to a certain degree differs from the time of the environment. This time correlates with parameters of the vital activity of living organisms (Dr. Ignatov, 2011).


Bioresonance as a physical phenomenon

The resonance phenomenon is well studied in physics. Science has not sufficiently objectified bioresonance. It is speculative to draw conclusions from bioresonance or quantum medicine regarding bioresonance. A statistically reliable analysis of the overall status of the human body cannot be made based on a diagnosis of several parameters. For bio-resonance therapy the question is debatable and remains open. Most objectively, the explanation of bioresonance is between emissions with a frequency comparable to the frequencies of water molecules. In bioresonance therapy the electromagnetic waves are outside this spectrum and evidence is required concerning the the precise nature of interaction. According to Draper, radiation energy influences tissues when it is absorbed by them. 

Dr. Ignat Ignatov


International Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of water, USA

In 2012 Dr. Ignat Ignatov token part in International Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of water, USA. Dr. Ignatov’s topicsare Origin of life and living matter in hot mineral water/Water inthe Human Body is Informational Bearer about Longevity. The co-autorof Dr. Ignatov is Dr. Mosin. The President is Prof. Gerald Pollack andtake part the Nobel holder Prof. Luc Montagnier, Prof. EmilioDelGiudice, Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello, Prof. Vladimir Voeykov, Dr.Beverly Rubik, Prof. Roumiana Tsenkova etc.


Water in the Human Body is Informational Bearer about Longevity

Mankind has always been excited about longevity. Biophysical studies indicate that the water in the human body has departed from the water at the time of origination of life (Semihina, Mosin, Ignatov). The more rapid the life processes are, the faster the states of orderliness are observed, i.e. entropy in the living organism decreases. Yet this leads to difficulties in compensating entropy with the entropy of the environment, which is associated with metabolism and energy. Such organisms, like mammals, can live up to 100 years. In trees the processes are slower, the states of orderliness are harder to obtain, and entropy decreases more slowly than in animals.


Water in the Human Body is Informational Bearer about Longevity

Mankind has always been excited about longevity. Biophysical studies indicate that the water in the human body has departed from the water at the time of origination of life (Semihina, Mosin, Ignatov). The more rapid the life processes are, the faster the states of orderliness are observed, i.e. entropy in the living organism decreases.

Yet this leads to difficulties in compensating entropy with the entropy of the environment, which is associated with metabolism and energy. Such organisms, like mammals, can live up to 100 years. In trees the processes are slower, the states of orderliness are harder to obtain, and entropy decreases more slowly than in animals.


Isotopic effects of heavy water in biological objects

Deuterium (2H), the hydrogen isotope with nuclear mass 2, was discovered by Urey. In the years immediately following this discovery, there developed a keen interest in development of methods for uniform biological enrichment of a cell with 2H,  that may be best achived via growing of an organism on medium with high content of heavy water(99% of deuterum), which since yet resulted in a miscellany of rather confusing data (see as an example Katz J., Crespy H. L. 1972).

The main resolute conclusion that can be derived from the most competent and comprehensive of the early studies is that high concentrationsof heavy water are incompatible with life and reproduction and furthemore could even causing even lethal effects on a cell. However, today a many cells could be adapted to heavy water  either via employing a special methods of adaptation which of them we shall describe above,  or using selected (or/and resistent to heavy water) strains of bacterial and other origin.

Комментарии: 1

Water, pH, and Non-Covalent Bonding

Water is essential for life. It covers 2/3 of the earth's surface and every living thing is dependent upon it. The human body is comprised of over 70% water, and it is a major component of many bodily fluids including blood, urine, and saliva. What accounts for the ubiquitous use of water in living systems? If we take a step back and consider the structure of water and compare it to another substance, methane, we can understand the unique properties water possesses that make it well suited for biological systems. Water (H2O) is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, with a total atomic weight of 18 daltons. The structure of the electrons surrounding water is tetrahedral, resembling a pyramid. For comparison, Methane (CH4) is made up of one carbon and 4 hydrogens. Note that methane is similar to water in that it weighs 16 daltons and also has a tetrahedral structure, yet has very different physical properties.



It is believed that the big bang explosion 13,7 billion years ago produced the universe that was much denser and hotter, and made almost entirely of one element - hydrogen. Deuterium (D) was formed during the next moments of evolution of the universe as a result of collision of one neutron and proton at temperatures of about one billion degrees. Furthemore, the two formed deuterons stuck together into helium nuclei contained two protons and two neutrons.


Revealing the hydrate formation process at the water-CO2 interface

Water can form solid clathrate phases in the presence of small molecules. These so called hydrates are crystalline inclusion compounds where guest molecules, mainly gases, are trapped in an ice-like network of nanometre-sized cages. Methane hydrate is of special importance as it occurs in huge amounts in the sediments of deep sea regions. In recent years hydrates have attracted general interest because of a rising number of possible applications, e.g. mining of methane from the ocean floor or the storage of CO2 or H2. Thus, for such applications, knowledge of the fundamental processes involved is essential in order to control -inhibit or initiatehydrate formation.


Entropy and time in living matter

2011, Dr. Ignat Ignatov, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Russian scientist Semihina studied the tangent of dielectrical losses physical indicator for water in different animals (Semihina, 2005). Names of animals in the figure from top to bottom – earth-worms (1), carassius fish (2), mouse (3), frog (4), hamster (5).

Tangent of dielectrical losses of water
of different animals, Semihina

The largest the extremities in this parameter, especially at 200 KHz or in the kilometer range of the e. m. waves, the highest level of evolutionary development of the animal. This is also an indicator for the “distancing” of the water in the different animals from the initial water for the origination of life. This is also an essential evidence that water is diverse in the various living creatures. When testing water in animals, there are differences in comparison with water in plants and natural waters. In animals bioelectric processes are more dynamic compared to plants. Mineral water, which interacts with calcium carbonate and sea water, is tested as a model system. Therefore it is difficult to make conclusions about the structure of water from bioelectrical indicators in animals without a parallel spectral analysis.



“There are several ways in which certain liquids can crystallize—can freeze—

several ways in which their atoms can stack and lock in an orderly, rigid way.
Suppose that the sort of ice we skate upon and put into highballs—what we call
ice-l—is only one of several types of ice. Suppose water always froze as ice-l
on Earth because it never had a seed to teach it how to form ice-two, ice-three,
ice-four…? And suppose that there were one form, which we will call ice-nine,
a crystal as hard as this desk with a melting point of 130°F. And suppose that
one Marine had with him a tiny capsule containing a seed of ice-nine, a new
way for the atoms of water to stack and lock, to freeze. If that Marine threw that
seed into the nearest puddle…?”
