The physiological adaptation process of various bacterial producents of amino acids, proteins and nucleosides belonging to various taxsonomic groups of microorganisms (facultative and obligate methylotrophic bacteria - Brevibacterium methylicum and Methylobacills flagellatum, halophilic bacterium - Halobacterium halobium and bacills - Bacillus subtilis) to growth and biosynthesis of necessary compounds on media containing the maximum concentration of heavy water is investigated. In article is informed on a method, which consists in multistep adaptation of bacteria to deuterium with the folowing selection of individual colonies grown on heavy water. In the result of application of the given approach among the studied bacteria were selected the individual strains keeping high growth and biosynthetic abilities while growing on heavy water.
Department of Biotechnology, M. V. Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Vernadskogo Prospekt 86, 117571, Moscow, Russia
ABSTRACT The biological effects of heavy water prove to be very interesting question of nowdays biochemical science which comprising two main points: the evolution of deuterium itself as well as the chemical processes going on with participation of deuterium oxyde.
In my opinion, (says O. V. Mosin Ph. D), this is the best scientific site about water on the Internet, and it has collected virtually all the information about water and its properties (he has even counted 66 anomalies of water). Moreover Chaplin has suggested a water model different from Zenin’s model, based not on a dodecahedron, but on a icosahedron. There the methods for the construction of water clusters are described in detail.
Nowadays Martin Chaplin is a very popular scientist worldwide who studies the structure of water. His water model differs from Zenin’s model and is based not on a dodecahedron, but on a icosahedron. There the methods for the construction of water clusters are described in detail. Currently this is the most complete scientific site about water and its structure, and M. Chaplin himself is a scientist and researcher of water, widely known throughout the world.
Water can form solid clathrate phases in the presence of small molecules. These so called hydrates are crystalline inclusion compounds where guest molecules, mainly gases, are trapped in an ice-like network of nanometre-sized cages. Methane hydrate is of special importance as it occurs in huge amounts in the sediments of deep sea regions. In recent years hydrates have attracted general interest because of a rising number of possible applications, e.g. mining of methane from the ocean floor or the storage of CO2 or H2. Thus, for such applications, knowledge of the fundamental processes involved is essential in order to control -inhibit or initiatehydrate formation. In general, two kinds of model exist describing the formation of hydrates at the molecular level. While cluster models such as the cluster nucleation theory [1] predict hydrate precursors forming around dissolved guest molecules, in stochastic models, like the local structuring hypothesis [2], the hydrate formation happens without such precursors. The difference between the two models is illustrated schematically in Figure 40.
Johann Grander is an Austrian who did not claim to be a scientist, yet claims to have developed a technique for imprinting "natural" and "vital" electromagnetic energies into water.
Grander claims to be able to restore water to its natural state, removing the influence of chemical contamination, electrical disturbances and even the "destructive effect of earth-orbiting satellites"---all with a small pen-like device used to simply stir water in a water glass.
According to Grander, the "effective operating principle" of the Grander Water system is the
"implosion of electromagnetic and subtle energy fields".
Scientist won trial at the "Oberlandesgericht Wien" (High Court Vienna,Austria)
Vienna (APA-OTS, 2006-09-06) - In a case that made national news, the High Court in Vienna, Austria, ruled in favour of Viennese biologist Dr. Erich Eder, after three years of trial. The Tyrolean company U.V.O., distributor of the GRANDER® products that supposedly "vitalize" water, had taken legal action against Dr. Eder as he had criticized their products as being "esoteric humbug".
Most of the water-cluster hucksters peddle "concentrates" that you add to your drinking water in order to "cluster" or "uncluster" it (depending on which fable you prefer tobelieve.) Johann Grander is an Austrian inventor who claims to have found a way to "revitalize" water, changing its "inner structure" and returning "the watermolecules to a highly ordered state, making the water more stable."
Dr. Ignat Ignatov – Biophysicist 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria
Water is the foundation of life. It is still a mystery for science how non-living matter transformed into a living one. New properties of water have to be studied, though it seems like we know all about it already.
In March 2004 an American space probe found “traces’ of water on Mars and salt in a dried up lake.
Scientists can already presume that perhaps there has been and still is life on this planet.
On two of Saturn’s satellites American space probes found traces of water.
Studies of the properties of homeopathic solutions have one peculiarity. In the homeopathic solution the effect is influenced not only by the diluted substance and the potentiation, but also by a third feature that researchers do not report. The solution itself is potentiated in an electromagnetic device and electromagnetic fields indicate to the device an influence on the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. This means thatthismethod ofpreparationofhomeopathicsolutionscan notserve for the making offundamentalconclusionsaboutinformational properties of water.
Chemists have long recognized water as a substance having unusual and unique properties that one would not at first sight expect from a small molecule having the formula H2O. It is generally agreed that the special properties of water stem from the tendency of its molecules to associate, forming short-lived and ever-changing polymeric units that are sometimes described as "clusters". These clusters are more conceptual than physical in nature; they have no directly observable properties, and their transient existence (on the order of picoseconds) does not support an earlier view that water is a mixture of polymers (H2O)n in which n can have a variety of values. Instead, the currently favored model of water is one of a loosely connected network that might best be described as one huge "cluster" whose internal connections are continually undergoing rearrangement.
Water has long been known to exhibit many physical properties that distinguish it from other small molecules of comparable mass. Chemists refer to these as the "anomalous" properties of water, but they are by no means mysterious; all are entirely predictable consequences of the way the size and nuclear charge of the oxygen atom conspire to distort the electronic charge clouds of the atoms of other elements when these are chemically bonded to the oxygen.
Electron attachment of water clusters was explored by the quantum path-integral molecular-dynamics method, demonstrating that the energetically favored localization mode involves a surface state of the excess electron. The cluster size dependence, the energetics, and the charge distribution of these novel electron-cluster surface states are explored.Most studies1 of small clusters focus on the dependence of the geometry, level structure, and other properties upon size (number of particles) and the "transition" from molecular to condensed-matter behavior. Characteristic to these systems is a large surface-to-volume ratio which could lead to unique, qualitatively different from bulk, chemical and physical behavior.2'3 In this Letter we shall demonstrate, using quantum path-integral molecular-dynamics simulations3'4 (QPIMD), that the energetically stable excess-electron states in small water clusters5"7 involve surface states rather than internally localized states which may be regarded as precursors of the celebrated hydrated electron.
Abstract. The structure and stability of spiro-cyclic water clusters containing up to 32 water molecules
have been investigated at different levels of theory. Although there exist minima lower in energy than these spiro-cyclic clusters, calculations at the Hartree–Fock level, density functional theory using B3LYP parametrization and second order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory using 6-31G and 6-311++G basis sets show that they are stable in their own right. Vibrational frequency calculations and atoms-in molecules analysis of the electron density map confirm the robustness of these hydrogen bonded clusters.
Keywords. Hydrogen bonding; water clusters; spiro-cyclic; atoms-in-molecules.
Сверионизированная вода - это вода, получаемая в процессе электролиза воды. Она имеет щёлочную реакцию, её ОВП снижается, уменьшается поверхностное натяжение, снижается количество растворённого кислорода и азота, возрастает концентрация водорода, свободных гидроксильных групп, уменьшается электропроводность, изменяется структура не только гидратных оболочек ионов, но и свободного объёма воды. Такая вода нейтрализует повышенную кислотность организма.
Eric J. Sundstrom, Piotr A. Pieniazek, and Anna I. Krylov
Ionization of liquid water is of great practical interest in the context of atmospheric and biological chemistry. The removal of an electron leads to cascade formation of reactive intermediates that can incur cellular damage. Despite several decades of research the nature of the initially formed state and its immediate dynamics are still poorly understood. We pose a very fundamental question: "What does it mean to ionize water?"
The infrared O – D stretching spectrum of fully deuterated jet-cooled water clusters is reported. Sequential red-shifts in the single donor O – D stretches, which characterize the cooperative effects in the hydrogen bond network, were accurately measured for clusters up to ( D2O) 8 . Detailed comparisons with corresponding data obtained for ( H2O) n clusters are presented. Additionally, rotational analyses of two D2O dimer bands are presented. These measurements were made possible by the advent of infrared cavity ringdown laser absorption spectroscopy IR-CRLAS using Raman-shifted pulsed dye lasers, which creates many new opportunities for gas phase IR spectroscopy.
Pentagonal dodecahedral water clusters – “water buckyballs” - and arrays thereof are shown from
first-principles electronic-structure calculations to possess unique terahertz-frequency vibrational modes in the 1-6 THz range, corresponding to O–O–O “bending”, “squashing”, and “twisting” “surface” distortions of the clusters. The cluster LUMOs are huge “Rydberg” “S”-, “P”-, “D”-, and “F”like molecular orbitals that accept an extra electron via optical excitation, ionization, or electron-donation from interacting atoms or molecules.
Water aggregates allow for numerous configurations due to different distributions of hydrogen bonds. The total number of possible hydrogen-bond networks is very large even for medium-sized systems. We demonstrate that the targeted ultra-fast methods of quantum chemistry make an exhaustive analysis of all configurations possible. The cage of (H2O)20 in the form of the pentagonal dodecahedron is a common motif in water structures. We calculated the spatial and electronic structure of all hydrogen-bond configurations for three systems: idealized cage (H2O)20 and defect cages with one or two hydrogen bonds broken. More than 3 million configurations studied provide unique data on the structure and properties of water clusters. We performed a thorough analysis of the results with the emphasis on the cooperativity in water systems and the structure-property relations.
В этом разделе собраны иинтересные научные статьи по структуре воды, написанные зарубежными учёными (на русском языке таких материалов или очень мало, или нет вообще). Все эти статьи я с большим трудом отыскал в интернете и скачал с сайтов зарубежных научных журналов. Эти материалы действительно уникальны по своей научной значимости, поскольку их результаты доказывают кластерную структуру воды. Материалы уникальные тем, что это полные статьи. Обычно научные журналы не публикуют полнотекстные статьи, а дают лишь короткую аннотацию. Поэтому найти полноценные научные статьи в интернете довольно сложно. Нужно либо идти в научную библиотеку или платить деньги интернет-редакциям. Поэтому это будет очень полезно нашим читателям и особенно людям, работающей в научной сфере, так как таких статей на русском языке практически нет. Меня очень часто читатели спрашивают тот или иной физико-химический показатель, а здесь все они собраны воедино. Мосин Олег
Extensive terahertz laser vibration-rotation-tunneling spectra and mid-IR laser spectra have been compiled for several isotopomers of small (dimer through hexamer) water clusters. These data, in conjunction with new theoretical advances, quantify the struc tures, force fields, dipole moments, and hydrogen bond rearrange ment dynamics in these clusters. This new information permits us to systematically untangle the intricacies associated with cooper ative hydrogen bonding and promises to lead to a more complete molecular description of the liquid and solid phases of water, including an accurate universal force field.